Antenatal classes just for Dads – all you need to know.

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With the main focus of traditional antenatal services being on expectant mothers, dads-to-be can feel a little side-lined. We speak to Gordon Dowall-Potter owner and founder MANtenatal about why he set up a dedicated antenatal service helping expectant Dads during the pregnancy journey.   

Tell us about MANtenatal? 

At MANtenatal, we offer a comprehensive range of support and resources specifically designed for expectant fathers. We understand that becoming a dad is a significant life transition, and we aim to empower dads with practical knowledge and emotional guidance to navigate this journey with confidence. Our services include antenatal courses tailored for dads, coaching sessions, online communities, and access to a wealth of expert advice. We cover topics such as birth preparation, practical parenting skills, mental health support, and fostering a strong bond with your child. 


What led you to create MANtenatal? 

The inspiration behind MANtenatal came from my personal experience as a new father. When my partner was expecting, I noticed a lack of dedicated resources and support specifically geared towards expectant fathers. The traditional antenatal services primarily focused on mothers, leaving dads feeling somewhat side-lined or unprepared for their role. This realisation motivated me to create a platform where dads could find relevant information, practical advice, and a supportive community to address their unique needs and concerns during the pregnancy journey. 

How is MANtenatal different from other antenatal services? 

MANtenatal stands out from other antenatal services by exclusively catering to expectant fathers. Our programs and resources are specifically designed to address the needs and challenges faced by dads during pregnancy and early parenthood. We offer practical guidance on topics such as supporting your partner during labour, understanding the physical and emotional changes experienced by expectant mothers, and tips for nurturing the father-child bond. Our approach is empathetic, supportive, and relatable, providing a safe space for dads to connect, share experiences, and learn from each other. 

Why would you recommend MANtenatal to first-time Dads? 

I would highly recommend MANtenatal to first-time dads because we understand the unique journey they are embarking upon. Our programmes offer practical, down-to-earth advice and guidance that equips dads with the knowledge and skills they need to confidently support their partners and actively engage in the early stages of parenting. We focus on building self-assurance, providing dads with the tools to navigate the challenges of fatherhood while celebrating the joys that come with it. MANtenatal is not just a resource; it's a supportive community that fosters a sense of camaraderie and shared experiences among dads. 

What kind of feedback have you had – can you share any specific success stories? 

We have been incredibly fortunate to receive positive feedback from many dads who have participated in our programs. One particular success story that stands out is a first-time dad who attended our antenatal course feeling anxious and uncertain about his role. Through our comprehensive guidance, he gained confidence in supporting his partner during labor and became actively involved in the early care of his newborn. The couple shared how our resources helped them navigate the challenges of sleepless nights, feeding, and bonding, allowing them to create a strong and loving family dynamic. Such stories reinforce our commitment to supporting dads in their journey and inspire us to continue providing valuable resources and support. When we get the pics sent to us from new babies that say things like “Hi, I am baby x and I want to say thanks for helping my dad prepare for my arrival" that stuff really helps motivate us at MANtenatal.  


Gordon Dowall-Potter is the owner and founder MANtenatal. Find out more here.  




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