How to celebrate National Storytelling Week

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With all that’s going on in the world, if there was ever a good time to get lost in the magic of storytelling, it has to be now.

This week, until 6 February, it’s National Storytelling Week - an event run by the Society for Storytelling.

Why not celebrate – or get involved – by spending some extra time reading or telling stories to your kids?

Story time

There are so many benefits to reading to your child and it’s never too early to start. Most of us are unable to travel at the moment but story books can expand your toddler’s world. A picture book about a pirate ship can open up simple conversations about far flung destinations for example.

Storytime is also a great opportunity to snuggle up and enjoy some quality time with your little one without any distractions. Reading not only feeds the imagination but builds language skills, even if your child is just learning to talk.

An American study used MRI scans to track activity in pre-schoolers’ brains while they were listening to stories. Researchers found greater activity in the sections of the brain that visualise a spoken story and extract meaning from language. So reading varied books on a regular basis helps activate the parts of your little one’s brain that process words and form meaning.

In another study, scientists found that children who are regularly read to have more empathy and find it easier to understand people, so it builds their social skills too.

Telling tales

As well as reading from a book, encourage your toddler and older children to chat about stories. Even if their vocabulary is limited, it will help build their confidence in speaking.

So while you’re celebrating National Storytelling Week, you can enjoy making your child’s favourite story really come alive through play. If your child likes The Three Little Pigs you could act out the story – which is sure to inspire lots of laughter.

Or you could use Teddy bears or toys to help you tell the story of Goldilocks and then ask your child to tell the story in their own way, using their imagination.  

Lily and the Wipe Monster

If you’re looking for an educational but fun story for your children, Pura’s book Lily and the Wipe Monsterfeatures the story of Lily - a smart, caring girl who embarks on a mission to stop her family flushing plastic wipes - with help from a very large and very stinky new friend!

Featuring a monster made of plastic wipes, the book is funny and light-hearted, with bright and interesting illustrations.

It is only available to first time Pura wipe or nappy subscribers. If you’d like to subscribe click here.








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