What you can do about nappy waste?

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Disposable nappies are a convenient choice for millions of parents (they’re sooo easy to use), but this convenience comes at a significant environmental cost.  

With around 3 billion nappies being thrown away every year, nappy waste is becoming a serious issue, contributing to landfill overload. Can anything be done about it? 

How big is the nappy waste issue? 

Disposable nappies are a major contributor to household waste in the UK. Here are some statistics which, quite frankly, stink!  

  • > 3 billion nappies are discarded annually in the UK. 
  • > Nappies make up 2-3% of all household waste, equivalent to around 400,000 tonnes per year. 
  • > Each nappy takes around 500 years to decompose due to the plastic and synthetic materials they contain. 

Some are incinerated but, in most cases, disposable nappies end up in landfill, where they sit for centuries, breaking down slowly while releasing harmful chemicals and greenhouse gases like methane, contributing to environmental pollution. 

What’s in a disposable nappy? 

Disposable nappies are not just made of cotton or soft materials; many contain a mixture of plastics, absorbent gels, and other chemicals to increase their effectiveness. These components include: 

  • > Polyethylene and polypropylene: Plastics used in the outer layer and absorbent core. 
  • > Super absorbent polymers (SAPs): Chemical gels that can absorb many times their weight in liquid. 
  • > Fragrances and lotions: Added to some nappies, these chemicals can also contribute to skin sensitivities in babies. 

These materials are difficult to recycle and can have negative long-term environmental effects. The plastic content means nappies can persist in the environment for hundreds of years, leaching chemicals and contributing to the growing microplastic problem. 

disposable nappy

Eco nappies 

The good news for the planet is that more eco-friendly nappies like Pura’s do contain less plastics and more plant-based materials made from sustainable sources.  

Our nappies don’t contain any skin irritating chemicals and are made with carbon neutral manufacturing. Overall, they are an eco-friendlier choice than traditional disposables, but we don’t claim to have the perfect eco nappy. In fact, we don’t think that such a thing exists - yet. Disposable nappies still need some plastics to ensure that the nappy performs, which means they will still end up in landfill. Which is why we’re so excited about nappy recycling!  

Pura eco nappy

Nappy recycling  

In recent years, there has been growing interest in recycling disposable nappies.  

More than a decade ago, NappiCycle pioneered a unique process allowing them to recover the valuable material from used nappies in a cost effective and environmentally friendly way. Rather than being discarded as waste, the recovered materials are repurposed for all sorts of useful items ranging from notice boards to material for paving more durable roads! 

Launched in 2020, Pura NappiCycle is an exclusive partnership between NappiCycle and us. Working together to keep nappies out of landfill, Pura invests heavily into future research and development at NappiCycle. Another of Pura’s essential roles is to amplify awareness of the benefits of nappy recycling amongst the public, Government and the media. 

To this end, we have launched a nappy recycling trial in Bristol with partners Green Bottoms and Bristol Waste. It’s free to those who have signed up and our aim is to recycle 1 million nappies during the trial. In just nine weeks, we've already recycled 60,000 (holy poops)! You can read all about it here.  

Pura Nappicycle van

What you can do 

Parents and caregivers can take steps to reduce the environmental impact of nappies in their daily lives: 

  • > Choose eco-friendly disposables: Look for brands that use biodegradable materials or environmentally friendly practices in their production. 
  • > Be Informed: Stay updated on nappy waste solutions and support companies and policies that prioritize sustainable practices. 
  • > Support recycling initiatives: If you’re in the Bristol area, register your interest for the trial. Even if you don’t live in Bristol, you can still talk to your local MP or councillor about nappy recycling and help us spread awareness and drum up support.
Pellets made from recycled nappies

The future  

Tackling the issue of nappy waste in the UK requires a combination of consumer action, corporate responsibility and government policy. But with continued innovation in nappy recycling, we do believe we can move towards a future where nappy waste is no longer an environmental burden. 

Follow our lead and support nappy recycling! By taking small steps now, we can help ensure a cleaner, greener world for future generations.  

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