Why Pura believes in (book) fairies!

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Can you feel it? There’s magic in the air. A team of 40 special book fairies have been busy hiding copies of Pura’s book Lily and the Wipe Monster in secret locations across the UK.

Lily and The Wipe Monster Book

And if you’re lucky enough to find one, you can brush off the fairy dust and the book will yours to keep forever.

Where to look

Book fairies always find great places to hide their books. These spots are carefully chosen so that fairies can leave the book without being seen, but the book also needs to be visible enough for the next person to spot it! Look out for the tell-tale green and white sticker.

Do you believe in fairies?

The idea of The Book Fairies is simple. There are people who like to read, and share the books they’ve read. So when they’ve finished reading a good book, they pop an official book fairy sticker on it, which reads “take this book, read it, and leave it for the next person to enjoy”.

They might even tie a fancy ribbon around the book to dress it up as a gift. Then they will hide it in plain sight, to be found by a lucky adult or child.

Child in fairy wings

The Book Fairies launched in March 2017, and they share books worldwide. With almost 9,000 fairies sharing books in over 100 countries.

And Book Fairies can be anywhere, and could be anyone you know. In fact, its rumoured that some celebrities such as Emma Watson are book fairies...

Where can I get my wings?

If you want to share books, you too can become a book fairy! Get started here.

And if you're lucky enough to find a copy of Lily, let us know by tagging us on social media. Happy hunting.

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