Why we should connect for World Down Syndrome Day

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We're are so proud to be the first baby wipe brand to feature babies with Down syndrome in our advertising.

Little stars Lenny and Willow, who both have Down syndrome, appear in Pura’s ground-breaking Time For A Change campaign, warning big people about plastic in wipes.

Sunday is World Down Syndrome Day (WDSD), a global awareness event. This year the theme is #Connect, asking people to come together support equality for babies, children and adults with Down syndrome.

Our Time For A Change campaign was designed to be inclusive of all babies including those with disabilities or special needs.

Like WDSD itself, featuring Lenny and Willow helps remind people that babies with Down syndrome are all equal individuals with unique personalities who deserve the same opportunities as everyone else.

What is Down syndrome? 

Down syndrome (or Trisomy 21) is a naturally occurring chromosomal arrangement that is present in approximately 1 in 800 live births. It usually causes varying degrees of intellectual and physical disability and associated medical issues. 

Changing perceptions


Vikki Rooney, Lenny’s mum, explains the importance of promoting acceptance and changing negative perceptions of Down syndrome.

 “As a mother, you want your child to be accepted and the whole Down syndrome community is working endlessly to change negative perceptions of people with Down syndrome.  

“Pura has played a huge part in helping to change negative perceptions and to show that people with Down syndrome can achieve anything – they can become models, and they can have a great, fulfilling life.  

 “It shows acceptance and that Lenny is just a little boy who is like any other child.” 

Vikki, who is also a midwife, volunteers for the Positive About Down Syndrome Charity, helping to support expectant mums who have either had it confirmed, or been told there is a high chance, that their baby has Down Syndrome.  

“I know from first-hand experience that for those expectant parents, and for new parents, Lenny representing Pura helps them see that their baby will be just as amazing as he is.

“It gives them some positivity and reassurance at a time when they may be worried, anxious and frightened about their baby’s future.” 

Getting support 

For new and expectant parents, The Down’s Syndrome Association is a great source of information and advice. On the association's website, you can find a list of most frequently asked pre-natal questions or advice for new parents.

You can also connect via its helpline to ask questions big or small.  

Get yourself connected 

socks for Down syndrome day

Though #Connect is this year's WDSD theme, the whole family might have fun getting involved in the The #LotsOfSocks campaign too. This involves wearing mismatched, brightly coloured or statement socks to get you noticed!  

The ongoing campaign exists to raise awareness of Down syndrome and the idea is to start a conversation, so when people ask about your crazy sock combo, you can explain that you’re wearing them to raise awareness of Down syndrome. 

To find out more and learn how you can get involved and #Connect for World Down Syndrome Day click here.

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