When do I change to nappy pants?

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Toddler running

You think you’re a dab hand at changing nappies, then suddenly your tot decides they won’t take change times lying down…

Whereas before you could charm them with a silly face or song,  you now find yourself needing “octopus” arms as you wrestle jingling a toy (for distraction) with trying to keep your rocking, rolling and wriggling babe still for long enough to change their nappy!

Sound familiar? Then it could be time for a change – to nappy pants!

What are nappy pants?

Unlike regular nappies that you secure with tapes at the side, nappy pants have an all-round waistband so you can pull them up and down like underwear, with the added advantage of tear off sides for quick and simple changes.

You can even do stand-up nappy changes – perfect for when your little wriggler is on the move.

When’s the right time to make the change?

This really does depend on you and your baby. Some little tearaways get active at as young as 6 months, while for others it could be 12 months. When nappy times become a struggle, it’s probably the right time to try out nappy pants.

 I’m wearing the pants

Nappy pants give your tot the freedom to wriggle, roll, crawl and walk freely. They can also help your child get used to underwear and are handy for potty training older toddlers.

Are they as absorbent as regular nappies?

nappy pants

Yes, striking the best possible balance between a happy baby and a happy planet, Pura’s Eco Nappy Pants are easy to pull up and down, and boast all the skin benefits and eco credentials of our regular nappies.

Pura’s easy-on pants have tear-off sides and are enhanced with soft organic cotton for bottom comfort. Channel technology draws moisture away from babies’ skin, so air circulates for maximum breathability and comfort.

Our nappy pants also contain 0% chlorine, perfumes and allergens and a super absorbent plant-fibre core keeps little wriggler’s skin dry and nappy pants leak free for up to 12 hours.  

Plants in my pants?

Nappy pants

The plant-based super absorbent core is Pura nappy pants is made natural plant fibres, and the nappy pants are made with 100% green electricity, and no production waste to landfill. Not so pants for the planet! 

Try Pura’s nappy pants now.

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